Naluri Life

Naluri is a leading health care solutions provider with locations in Malaysia and Singapore. Through their app based product, Naluri has improved the health of thousands of people in South East Asia.

“ClearXP has provided Naluri with powerful functionality to create digital learning resources and amazing reporting”

Tim Osmond, Chief Technical Officer, Naluri

Growth and an evolving business model

For Naluri, an organisation that helps people improve their health, a global pandemic provided both opportunities and challenges.

With a rapidly growing audience, Naluri needed to find a way to quickly develop over 80 modules of quality learning materials.

After trying products like Articulate Rise, Naluri found traditional authoring tools too restrictive. Options for published outputs were limited and the process was time consuming for a large number of modules. Further, as the Naluri content is highly specialised, traditional authoring tools were not able to provide the depth of data and analytics required.

The Naluri app also needs a seamless user experience as the content, which supports people to change their health habits, can be quite confronting for learners. Even minor technical glitches or issues with accessing content often resulted in the learner disengaging.

The effort required to manage content and collate data for reports using their old systems meant that the learning and development team was unable to find time to explore other engagement strategies like gamification or social learning.

Expected Outcomes from choosing ClearXP

ClearXP offered Naluri the solution to many of their problems.

  • Efficiencies for the learning team through the use of a single platform to make all development, management, release and updates of their content quick and easy.
  • Improved user experience with all content accessible in the Naluri app links to web browsers. These improvements would be reflected through positive customer feedback, higher adoption rates and an increase of learners completing all required topics.
  • Enhanced visibility through sophisticated reporting and analytics that highlight effective content and functions, ensuring continuous improvement is backed by data.
  • Our flexible and powerful technology stack and past experience of integration with many different systems allowed for the deep synchronisation and seamless user experience sought.
  • Data security and integrity was paramount and provided through our use of xAPI, with all interactions and learning data standardised and secure.

How we tackled the challenge

As Naluri’s customer base is both B2B and individual consumers, we needed to ensure the solution was robust and could handle a variety of conditions including geolocation, user literacy and translation to multiple languages.

Our senior technical team conducted several deep dive sessions into their app to ensure a full understanding of the user experience. Senior stakeholders from Naluri were actively involved in the solution strategy phase to ensure all elements were covered.

Once the initial solution was developed, a 50-user pilot was conducted with a combination of internal and external users.

What was the solution?

After the pilot, feedback and in collaboration with the Naluri team, the final solution included:

  • User Authentication – Single sign-on with Naluri’s internal Identity Management System so users are able to instantaneously move between each system.
  • Content launch – Learning content is accessed through a Learning Hub embedded in the app. The next phase will see content launched exclusively from Naluri’s own native app.
  • Dashboard reporting – Drill-down dashboards allow coaches to dive into an individual’s responses and assess the differing needs of each user.
  • Content development and publishing – Initially this is blended with Rise courses enhanced with embedded activities from ClearXP, however we are in the process of transitioning all of their existing modules to native ClearXP
  • Content Migration – All new content built directly inside the ClearXP authoring tool with legacy content to be automatically migrated to native content via a migration tool we developed.


The whole process, including planning and design, development, testing, user trials and pilots of the Naluri solution, took 10 weeks.

Immediate benefits

Naluri has increased their productivity through:.

  • Improved analytics reporting and insights to determine conversion and drop-off rates
  • Ease of scheduling reminders to prompt learners to pick-up and continue their learning
  • Ability to build complex content including sophisticated branching scenarios for themselves without custom development costs.

Benefits over time

With seamless user experiences, Naluri expects to see an increase in customer satisfaction, both from direct feedback and through reviews.

Further benefits include:

  • Ease and speed of pushing out new content without long lead times for planning and devel
  • Analytics can be used to quickly iterate content to improve traction with learners
  • Wider range of delivery mechanisms such as the ability to surface questions directly within a live chat between coaches and learners

Naluri is very happy with the end result and keen to continue expanding their use of ClearXP.

Naluri App Learning

October, 2020

ClearXP and app integration

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