
Enhanced User Experience

Personalised and engaging learning experiences.
Profile based learning recommendations and pathways. Engage with learning communities in a collaborative and invigorating space. Dynamic content and activities to encourage participation and provide rewarding experiences.

Enhanced User Experience

Personalised Learning Dashboard

Visual display of a learners requirements. Based on a learner profile, customizable and displays a combination of mandatory, recommended and self selected activities

Recommendation Engine

Utilise AI to analyse your user’s habits and automatically recommend content relevant to their learning profile, career aspirations, interests, similar highly rated content

Content Integration

Incorporate content from other sources – intranet, content repositories (subscribed services), open sources (YouTube, etc) Include as curriculum, self directed learning and skills development pathways

Social Learning

Share and connect with learning communities. Contribute content and ideas through social activities, forums with recognition from peers and managers.


Use scoring to motivate and reward through rankings, leaderboards, levels of privilege and badges.

Learning Pathways

A series of content elements structured to provide a formal sequence for the participant to follow. Based on learners profile.

Micro Learning Campaigns

Small sessions spread out over a manageable time periods. Tracking, notifications and reminders support the delivery.